Did you know that the #1 success trait of professionals today is their “energy”?
After interviewing thousands of participants in our extensive study, someone’s “vibe/way of being” was ranked as more important to their success than their education, skills, experience, connections, creativity, hours worked, or even their moral compass! Your energy is your edge- so what kind of energy are YOU giving off?
Connection. Community. Warmth.
Empathetic. Reactive. Sensitive.
Deliberate. Logical. Methodical.
Creative. Possibility. Freedom.
Physical. Magnetic. Drivers.
Synergistic Energy -the combined power of working together vs separately.
Responsive energy is very empathetic/reactive/responsive to other's emotions- This is the one that needs to be hyper-vigilant about energy protection/ conservation because they are more susceptible to other's feelings
Rigorous energy is deliberate, logical, methodical - chaos and over-expressiveness drains this energy type)
The meaning of GENERATIVE ENERGY is having the power or function of generating, originating, producing (or reproducing) something that doesn't EXIST yet.
(Kinetic Energy (faster the motion = more energy) more movement = more energy. )
These drainers stand between you and your best self.
Becoming aware of what drains you will help keep that battery charged rather than staying on low-power mode.
Our mission is to help you unlock your Big Energy – the fullest expression of your unique energy when you’re firing on all cylinders, feeling unstoppable, aligned, and fully alive. Stop feeling drained and start feeling charged! Energy is contagious and shapes your reality. Expand your AUTHENTIC you by taking the exam to learn how to keep your personal battery in the green zone.
Where is your personal battery on a scale from 1-7 (7 being the highest)?
Estimate your average over the last 90 days.
Which Big Energy type are you?
Take the Energy Exam® to find out your primary and secondary energies.
What are your Drainers and Chargers?
Audit the people, places, projects, and pivots where you’re investing your energy.
What have you observed from optimizing your energy?
Evaluate where you might be able to further iterate, pivot, and optimize exponentially.
How energetically compatible are your teams?
Apply insights about other people’s energy to engineer more creativity, collaboration, or harmony.
There’s a high cost to low energy. Our study shows that a lack of energetic leadership and/or energetic buy-in is extremely expensive- especially in the age of AI. Low energy equals low morale. Low morale equals low productivity. Low productivity equals low profitability. As leaders, if you want to raise the energy AROUND you- you can start by raising the energy WITHIN you. How? Deploying our Big Energy Blueprint at scale can help your organization with more:
Co-Founder, Camp One Ventures
Both formats include Erin’s signature keynote, lifetime access to the Energy Exam assessment, personalized reporting for every attendee, enterprise insight dashboard, and interactive coaching through the Big Energy Blueprint.
Contact Ashley “Sarge” Jackson for availability, workshop details, and pricing.
It all started one day when I reached up to brush my hair out of my face and a handful came out. Then the next week I noticed my heart racing. Then having trouble catching my breath. Then difficulty swallowing and sleeping. I ignored it all and just kept “powering through.”
Have you ever done that?
Like many of us, over the last few years I was hit with a tough season. In a short period of time, life had thrown death, trauma, grief, and financial losses my way. On top of this, I was investing my energy in a multitude of directions. On Instagram, it was all “successes”- selling my social media agency, book signings at Barnes and Noble, jet setting to conferences. But my everyday reality felt NOTHING like success- it felt like SURVIVAL.
One week it all came to a head, after delivering five keynotes on five different topics in five days, I woke up in the emergency room. The last thing I remember, I was having what I thought was a heart attack right in the middle of a team Zoom call. After being told it was “just” a panic attack, I knew I couldn’t shush my somatic signals any longer as I found myself at the ultimate crossroads.
So I made the terrifying, expensive decision to put my life on TOTAL PAUSE. I blew up all of my projects and plans and sat down to answer the question: “Is it possible to be an ambitious achiever, with high energy, who doesn’t burn out, and who actually enjoys their life?” Was it actually possible to break my decades-long cycle of powering through till physically impossible, and then powering down until fiscally impossible, and then taking it from the top all over again. Or was that the only way? I hired a team of PhD researchers to find out. We spent a year co-conducting the world’s largest study on personal human energy. Fast-forward to today, and the insights from this energy experiment have not only completely changed my health, my business, and my LIFE for the better, but it’s helped thousands of others reactivate their ambition, achieve alignment, and most importantly, reignite a sense of ALIVENESS. And it’s my deepest hope that using what I learned the hard way will help you to do the same. Your energy is your edge, and your vibe is your value.
Let’s dive into the surprising science behind YOUR personal power source, together.
The average amount of time to take the exam is between five to ten minutes.
The exam is free to take to discover your primary energy type and corresponding high-level insights into what that means for you. Upgrade your report to unlock your:
Erin King commissioned this research study to work side-by-side with a dozen PhD-holding researchers employed by Material+, whose clients include Deloitte, Best Buy, State Farm, Target, Omni, Sephora, Pizza Hut and others. Material+ is a global strategy, insights, design, and technology partner to companies striving for true customer centricity and ongoing relevance.
Erin King and her Material+ team of PhD researchers spent an entire year interviewing thousands of United States adults aged 18-64 from all parts of the country, with all different professional backgrounds, income levels and lifestyle preferences. The interview data was then aggregated, segmented, and the five types emerged as separate, distinct patterns of personal human energy transmission, sourcing, and optimization. For more details on the Big Energy study, you can upgrade your report here.
This assessment is EXTREMELY scientifically accurate in determining your personal energy type. We’ve layered our proprietary research findings on top of the existing foundational research around personal human energy including (but not limited to): 1) Energy is created by satisfying the needs of competence, control, and connection, as outlined in self-determination theory 2) Energy sources manifest as different energetic types, from physical to spiritual, and 3) By expressing these forms of energy, you generate more personal energy (according to the “broaden and build” framework) and more relational energy (based on “social transmission”).
For a deeper dive on all of the research specifics, demographics, study structure, plus percentage points of all data insights and findings, you can unlock the full Energy DNA report HERE.
© Erin King 2025